It seems like in the first post of a blog, the reader is obligated to either: 1. Acknowledge the start or "first post" of the blog or 2. Explain their reason for starting one. I guess I will do both! So... as you can tell, this is the first post in my blog. There. Nothing more to be said. I guess my reason for starting one is that I used to have one when it was popular back at the beginning of my junior high & high school days (those seem long gone now!) I have been wanting to create one again for awhile now but just have not had the time. It was really hard for me to come up with the name of this blog. I didn't want it to be cliche like "The Thoughts of Jaymie Anderson" so I thought about it for awhile & finally came up with the title "Reflections of a Peacemaker." This title mainly stems from the fact that I hate making waves & am the kind of person who just wants everyone to get along rather than argue over little things that can and often should be overlooked. So there ya go! The funny part about the coffee mug is that I don't even LIKE coffee! I know! Crazy! I guess I just like the idea (and smell) of coffee. Very often a nice cup of coffee causes people to stop and ponder their day or life. And that is what I want to do in this blog. Reflect on my daily life & hopefully share some things I have learned along the way! So until the next blog, dear reader, I hope you have a wonderful day & week!
xo Jaymie