Today was quite an eventful day. I got up this morning & met Kourtni to go running. It started out with pretty nice weather with a slight breeze but by the time we were headed back it seemed to have gone up 15 degrees! It was crazy! Afterwards, I came home, got ready, & then went out to lunch with Corey at Panda Express. YUMMY sweet and sour chicken. :) After that, Corey & rode our bikes around the neighborhood to enjoy some of the warm weather between her studying sessions for finals. The weather really has been beautiful today! Shortly after that, my mom offered to treat us to a pedicure (which I have never had before). It was amazing!!!! Except that the lady put the tub on too high & water got ALL OVER the floor & back behind the chairs by the outlets & cords... eek! :/ But my toes still look beautiful! :) Around 5:30, we all packed up & headed out to Rock Cut for a family picnic with my grandparents & Ben. We had hot dogs, chips, DELICIOUS strawberries & blueberries, & s'mores. We had some great family time & the scenery was absolutely breathtaking. God's power & glory truly is shown through nature. Here are some photos from the night (for more, see facebook):

The sun was shining through the trees. It was gorgeous!
Kayt, Corey, & I in front of the lake. I love this picture!
Ben & I at the picnic.
There were a TON of geese! This was just ONE family! Haha
We saw a lot of people boating & canoeing. It was a beautiful night to enjoy nature.
The sunset was absolutely beautiful!
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